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Events & Rituals

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Moon Goddess Rituals /Events

In person Moon Goddess rituals take place at various locations indoors and outdoors. These are women-focused Moon ceremonies where everyone actively participates in the energy raising with chanting, ritual structured magic, guided meditation,  spell work, intention setting, Goddess themed activities and open group discussion with like-minded women. Please contact me by via the contact form for further details and about upcoming events.

Circle of Luna

Circle of Luna was founded in 2010 in Seattle by myself and a collection of other priestesses and Goddess devotees who are practicing Wiccans. This is a more advanced women-focused Moon circle honoring Luna (the Moon) and the Goddess in all Her phases. We incorporate seasonal influences and invoke a Goddess with each ritual. Everyone helps plan and actively participates in the creation and execution of these sacred circles. These rites are held at night & inperson

at various locations outdoors & indoors and sometimes online via Zoom. 

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Guided Meditation Workshops

I l also facilitate guided Goddess meditation workshops and classes at conferences which include teachings about Divine Feminine archetypes and how these sacred Goddesses can empower and transform our lives on many levels.


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